Replying to @MikamiIsAJerk
Bitrate determines filesize, not framerate (though to be fair a video with a higher framerate needs a larger bitrate in most cases)
RT @geoffkeighley:
For YTPMV/音MAD, which framerate do you think looks better/more fitting?
Octagon collaboration fans, Reggie has a message for all of you. Please take a look.
RT @YTPMVScreenBot:
Replying to @Yudex_
Isn’t it a bit early for Sachiko’s birthday??
Just kiddin’, 誕生日おめでとうございます!
Replying to @jab50yen
This is how you do it, right?
RT @reoru: 自分で作ったCGをグッズ化する計画。
The shirt arrived, I love it, thank you, @reoru!
RT @reoru: After Effectsはゲーム
I tried making motion graphics in under a minute using only a controller
(Inspired by @reoru
RT @reoru: マウスを使わずに20秒で動画を作りました
My friend @MM102_ is streaming some SMW troll level creation in Lunar Magic, come hang out!
Replying to @beat_shobon
tongari corn!
- kay kay octagon how elmo
Replying to @PinkieOats ?
More practice, maybe I’ll make a video for this one?
Replying to @MenorahOnFire and @Stuff4and5
(both of you should)
Replying to @MenorahOnFire and @Stuff4and5
Ye but if Stuff3 is going to Japan he needs to hook up with our boy NOMA
Replying to @Stuff4and5 and @MenorahOnFire
Are you going to Japan??
Replying to @workbench_tv
I can’t think of a specific instance of this happening lately but it has came up before, purging and restarting AE always has fixed it for me.
Uploaded my /v/GAs preshow mix, enjoy!
RT @jab50yen: This is the best Video Game Awards show
RT @jab50yen: That preshow was a blast! Thank so you much @beatstar for inviting me for another year
And thanks to @beat_shobon @nos_junk_…
Replying to @Lordmau5
Thanks! I’ll have the whole mix uploaded after the show concludes.
Big shouts to @Stuff4and5 for inspiring my mix for the /v/GAs, really loved the past work he’s done for the preshows.
Hope you guys enjoyed the mix, stay tuned for the others!(original)
RT @MowtenDoo:
supporting multiple friends and mutuals who worked on this / have things featured in this by postin…
/v/GAs preshow is live now!
Replying to @LENN0Z and @PinkieOats
Bless you
RT @namacream_: 【動画】BEAT-NICONICO-WORLD を投稿しました。 #sm34643630
Replying to @PinkieOats and @LENN0Z
I agree with this too, red would definitely be what color I’d wear, but making the design colors work for multiple shirts colors would be most ideal if you can manage it.
Replying to @MikamiIsAJerk
8 million.
RT @jab50yen: Yo everyone make sure to tune into the 2018 Vidya Gaem Awards tomorrow.
I’ll be performing in the preshow with @beat_shobon…
Replying to @yoshboi420
Of course
Replying to @YTPMVScreenBot
- I will never get enough of this video
RT @noma113:
Replying to @cumuloworks
No problem! 👍
Replying to @cumuloworks
Here ya go
Replying to @cumuloworks
Like this?
Replying to @stysmmaker
Oh no @MowtenDoo
#Affinitweet Valentine
This year you’re mine MowtenDoo! ❤️
And you, whom will be yours?
Replying to @Wunkolo
I too enjoy making use of After Effects’ Motion Sketch where applicable
RT @roaroa_movie: AEを使うすべてのクリエイターへ
Replying to @ItsLeLazyOne
Part of the original audio without BGM
Replying to @ItsLeLazyOne
RT @ZeFrenchCake: Octogone.
@0hw Hey wehe, could I please have permission to DM you?