The Glorious Octagon of Destiny Timeline
A few months have passed since the release of the collaboration, so I believe now is a good time to do a write-up on the history of it before any details become lost or I begin to forget anything about it.
So, in making this article I decided the best way to go about it would be writing out a timeline of events and facts, rather than a normal writing piece, to remove the possibility of any sort of bias I may inject. I also should note I’m unable to provide any info about majority of the events that took place before I was invited to participate. Some of this info was available to me via Discord chatlogs, but otherwise that is the knowledge of the other hosts involved. Furthermore, I’ve redacted some names as it may garner unwanted attention towards them otherwise.
Without further intro, here is the timeline for the history of the collaboration.
The Glorious Octagon of Destiny
- ‘8 Awesome Angles of YouTube’ uploaded to YouTube
- Collaboration now uploaded to niconico
- No new public information regarding a possible 3rd Octagon collaboration. Tukaari makes a tweet regarding an “Octagon collab summer edition”.
2014 - 2015
- No information regarding the Octagon Collaboration at all. Majority of previous participants are inactive by this end of this period.
- [redacted] creates a private Google Spreadsheet of Octagon videos for the possibility of a new collaboration. Later shelved for the time being.
- [redacted] privately messages myself, stating that a 3rd Octagon collaboration is “most likely happening next year”.
- Hosting team for a new Octagon collaboration, codenamed “Octagon 3”, is now gathered. Hosting team under the official humorous title of the “Octagon Committee”.
- Discord server created.
- Planning document created (song selection, participant invite process, production guidelines)
- Strict approval guidelines put in place, requiring a host to approve it and all hosts to have at least seen it.
- Medley composer is scouted for during this period. (At the time, NOMA wasn’t considered since he seemed out of reach)
- MarlonVids makes this tweet.
- Participant invite forms sent.
- Invite forms contain work-in-progress song selection.
- Invitees vote on each song based only on how much they would like to work with that song. This is what determines which songs are in the final selection.
- Big Blue is the most popular choice.

A very important channel in the Discord server
- [redacted] invites myself to be part of the hosting team.
- Source pack created and hosted on Google Drive.
- Due to lack of interest from other medley composers, NOMA is finally contacted regarding the collaboration.
- NOMA accepts the invitation.
- NOMA briefed on medley guidelines, song selection is finalized.
- Medley production begins.
- Participants invited to Discord server.
- Medley in production, several previews received from NOMA.
- Title of “The Glorious Octagon of Destiny” first mentioned, not considered final yet.
- Medley production complete.
- “Ja¢k - Tik Toktagon” was originally planned to appear in the medley during the zoomzoom part, but was cut due to it being overlaid on another song and overall not fitting in very well.
- “Viva Octagon” uploaded to YouTube, which was the only song part of the selection that did not have a reference video available at the time.
- Part planning commenced and finished during this month.
- Title finalized.
- Audio deadline tentatively set to late June. The collaboration is currently scheduled to release on August 8th, 2018.
- Visual deadline set to July 31st.
- Initial logo concepts created. (Some of which can be viewed here)

One of the earliest logo concepts
- Logo finalized.
- The Super Hexagon part is the first to be finished.
- Due to time and management complexities, collaboration is pushed back to December 31st.
2018-08 - 2018-11
- Working …
- Instrumental PV production begins during this time period.
- Several audio parts are finished but no visual parts are during this period.
- Only 20% of collaboration is completed.
- Snow Goose and Gourmet Race and finished, leaving just three parts complete.
- Announcement made to participants regarding the status of the collaboration, delayed until further notice.
- Idea for the “Coming Never” trailer concepted by [redacted], later uploaded to the OctagonCollaboration channel on the same exact day.
2019-01 - 2019-04
- Fort Francis, Princess Inada, and Bonfire are completed during this period.
- “It’s here…!” video advertising the Old Spice collaboration, Muscular Wonders, is posted to the OctagonCollaboration channel.
- Just under 50% of collaboration is completed as of this period. One part still has no progress done on it due to being dropped early on, with nobody to replace it.
- Additional hosting help brought on, new deadlines set.
- Collaboration set to release on August 8th, 2019.
- Most busiest month of collaboration production.
- 2019-07-26 - Audio production finished, mastering begins the following day.
- All visual parts except the zoomzoom are finished during this period.
- 90% of the collaboration is completed by the end of this month.
- Daily work on the collaboration continues.
- New trailer uploaded to OctagonCollaboration channel, announcing release date of August 8th to the public.
- Visual production finished, visual compiling finished shortly after.
- Collaboration video rendered.
- Audio mastering finished, just hours before the (currently unannounced) release time of 5:00PM Eastern Time.
- Collaboration uploaded, scheduled for a live premiere at 5:00PM Eastern Time.
- Collaboration premieres, peaking at almost 1,200 live viewers.
- Finalizing of the instrumental PV begins the next week.
- Instrumental PV finished and uploaded.